The Adventures of Vox Lumina

Rediscovering the lost world of Orga

Water needs our love- We need to love water November 14, 2013

Water is going through a difficult time.  It has been a long road waiting for a radical breakthrough in consciousness.  Not the consciousness of water itself, but the consciousness that most people have about water.  Again and again, for a long time now, water has been used (and abused) for man’s bidding- to flush away toxic waste, to carry his barges full of commerce, to force gasses up from the bowels of the earth- so that we may have clean homes, expanding businesses, and cheap fuel. Water does our bidding and gets polluted in the process.  Irreparably so?  Only time will tell.

What can we do in the meantime?  What can we do to change the tide?


Water needs our love.  And we need to love water, to treat water as the incredibly beautiful, intelligent and phenomenal being that it is.  We need to talk about water with others, share images of water’s beauty, write poems and songs in water’s honor, celebrate THE GIFT of water always.  With this we can raise the vibration from utilitarian and functional to sacred and spiritual, and an alchemical transformation of consciousness begins….

I do believe that some day, hopefully soon, we will be beyond all this flushing and polluting and fracking nonsense and water will be our teacher and our inspiration. And when we think back to how terribly we treated her we will be so glad we changed our ways.

I look forward to that day and I celebrate that possibility with all of my heart.

In joy,

Vox Lumina